AUSTRALIAN law enforcement officers can hardly expect Islamic leaders to condemn their jihadi co-religionists. Were they to do this, they would be condemning the actions of their prophet, whom these young men are simply emulating and who led numerous jihad attacks, claiming: “Allah has made me victorious with terror”.
Gabrielle Lord, Randwick, NSW
Why is it that Islamist fighters, who despise Western values so much, embrace Western mobile phones, Facebook and Twitter, also using Western weaponry and vehicles? Surely this goes against their medieval beliefs.
David Moore, Croydon, SA
What sensationalist claims you have published (“We’ll fight Islam 100 years”, 9/8). On our present trajectory, we will all have converted to Islam or been beheaded within 50 years, and therefore in 100 years will be living blissfully happily in a sharia caliphate.
Bryan Connor, Cloncurry, Qld
Here we are with Boko Haram stealing Christian schoolgirls to sell as sex slaves and Islamic State degenerates forcing Yazidi women into marriages to killers in Iraq, and not a word out of the feminists. Too busy worrying about the glass ceiling to bother about the big picture?
Chris Squelch, Townsville, Qld
Twelve months ago your headline “We’ll fight Islam 100 years” would have been unthinkable. Thanks to Peter Leahy and Michael Krause for taking the issue by the scruff of the neck and dragging it out into the public arena, and congratulations to The Weekend Australian for having the sense and courage to print it.
John McHarg, Baldivis, WA
In the fight against the real enemy we must be careful not to alienate the decent Muslim majority. Headlines such as “We’ll fight Islam 100 years” risk conflating Islam with the radical Islamo-fascist minority world view, inviting the radicals to allege a Western “crusade” against Islam in general, something Muslims everywhere would feel obliged to resist.
David Poignand, Hackett, ACT
A world war is being waged between the followers of two religious figures, Christ and Mohammed, whose only point of convergence is a place in heaven for true believers. Those of us sufficiently evolved to observe that there is not a shred of evidence for an afterlife or a higher state of existence called heaven, can only look on in disbelief.
Brian Sanaghan, West Preston, Vic
Once they learn that the Koran and the Bible are works of fantasy, that there is no heaven and the only hell that exists is the one they have created, peace will surely prevail.
Marshall Perron, Buderim, Qld