Dear Geoff,
It’s clear the faceless men are at it again.
At a time when Australians need their Government to be solely focused on putting a Budget together that ends the waste, returns to surplus and reduces debt, Labor is instead completely distracted by deals and backstabbing over its leadership.
But it really doesn't matter who leads the Labor Party – Labor will remain divided and dysfunctional and nothing will change:
- the Carbon Tax will remain;
- the pressures on cost of living will remain; and
- the boats will still keep coming.
Click here to see our new TV Ad “Lemon Déjà Vu”.
The faceless men have a long history of calling the shots in the Labor Party. By coincidence, it is 50 years tomorrow since one of the most famous photos in Australian politics was taken.
Click here to see a timeless Liberal Party poster from 1963.
Only the Coalition can restore the stability and certainty Australia needs. Only the Coalition has the Real Solutions Plan to build a strong, prosperous economy and a safe, secure Australia.
![Brian Loughnane signature]()
Brian Loughnane
Federal Director