I have been bemused by the consistently - easy - ride ABC Lateline host Tony Jones has given to the true believers of climate change religion - Professors Pitman, Karoly Flannery et al.
In his many interviews Jones has never made any challenge to Gaia - worshipper Flannery's extreme views. Nor any of the same fanatics he regularly trots out to support the Labor policy.
Lateline on 2/3/11 was delicious however.
Jones thought that his guest Bjorm Lomberg would support the ABC / Labor / Gillard policy re climate change. He was shoked to find Lomberg debunking it all.
Jones could not resist challenging his guest's rational views.
He did it maybe 7 times - and was decimated every time - effortlessly! The more TJ tried - the more terryfiing it became for Jones.
Consider that Lomborg is a believer: it made the ABC look even worse.
Let this stand as an indictment of Jones, ABC, Labor and all who plainly delude themselves about 'climate - change' and Gillard's disasterous plans.
Geoff Seidner
13 Alston Grove
East St Kilda 3183
03 9525 9299
Solving warming is about innovation: Lomborg
Bjorn Lomborg is the author of the controversial book The Skeptical Environmentalist and says we are taking the wrong approach to
Carbon emissions threaten marine ecosystems
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Search Results
Flannery | Australian Climate Madness
Let me see: Mann, Hansen, Jones, Santer, Trenberth, Karoly, Pitman, Brook, Steffen,Flannery etc etc - Ed]. "It should do a review of the IPCC and produce a ...
www.australianclimatemadness.com/?s=flannery&searchsubmit= - Cached
Flannery | Australian Climate Madness
There's lots of Gaia talk, a theme of the new book, which Flannery tries to ..... leaks with a slot on Lateline (hosted by arch ABC alarmist Tony Jones). ...
www.australianclimatemadness.com/?s=flannery&searchsubmit= -