Michael works in the School of Geosciences at Monash University as a Professorial Fellow
Michael’s research areas of interest are:
Electromagnetic methods in mineral exploration, including the detection and characterisation of weakly conducting, economically important sphalerite-galena ore deposits.
The improvement of electromagnetic sounding methods in the presence of polarisable earth (often associated with near-surface clays).
Use of microtremors in earthquake hazard site zonation.
Collaborative projects in place with the US Geological Survey, the Middle Eastern
Technological University, Ankara, Turkey, and the University of Utah, for development of interpretation methodologies for the multiple-mode spatially-averaged coherency method in microtremor observations for earthquake hazard site zonation.
Inter-relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperature change.
Consultant geophysicist in electrical and electromagnetic methods for airborne, ground and borehole search for base-metal mineral deposits:image-processing presentations for geological mapping.
Extraction and presentation of physical parameters (eg. conductance, conductivity) from profile and areal data.
Application of advanced numerical modelling and inversion algorithms to field data.