Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2013 9:16 AM
Hi ....
Just a note to tell you that the below is simplistic: essentially WRONG re white bread.
- One’s diet in the context of the MARGINAL benefits of extra fibre is just that – MARGINAL. And ethereal.
- The thing is that one would get the benefits of ADEQUATE FIBRE from a serving of oats or bran ... whatever.... in this class – than the ETHEREAL differential between white bread and wholegrain.
- Make no mistake – wholegrain is fine: BUT it is plain silly to suggest that whgite bread should be avoided.
- CERTAINLY IT IS HYSTERICAL TO SUGGEST a classification as ‘’...foods you should never eat again | Herald Sun’’
- Eat a good diet – and think about the simplistic rubbish like this: why does the writer not state the ‘killers’ – like TOO MUCH FATS and too many calories and inadequate exercise?
I guess I may cut and paste this in part for future use as a thesis on a more important thesis of sorts: LONGEVITY AND THE LOTTERY OF LIFE
Which is going to take time, methinks.
Geoff Seidner
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:12 AM
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Subject: Fw: Eight foods you should never eat again | Herald Sun
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White bread
While it may claim to have extra fibre and
nutrients added, white bread is still not as
goodnutritionally as wholegrain bread. If you
must go white, at least choose sourdough.
Eight foods you should never eat again

Stay away from the cordial. Picture: ThinkstockSource: Supplied
AS HUMAN beings, when we are told not to do something, our instinct can be to do exactly that.
Indeed this can also be the case with food restriction, but as a nutritionist there are some foods that offer so little nutritionally that they are best avoided - especially when they are parading as 'healthy' choices. Here are the worst offenders:
Rice snacks
It doesn't matter if rice has been made into a snack bar, cake, puff or crisp, rice is a dense source of high glycaemic index carbohydrate, which means that it makes our blood glucose levels rapidly increase, along with the hormone insulin, which also promotes fat storage in the body.
White bread
While it may claim to have extra fibre and nutrients added, white bread is still not as good nutritionally as wholegrain bread. If you must go white, at least choose sourdough.
Flavoured water
Given that a single serve of flavoured water can contain as much as five teaspoons of sugar, you are best to get your vitamins from grains, fruits and vegetables, and leave your water as nature intended it.
Muffins and banana bread
If you consider that the average muffin or slice of banana bread contains more than 60g of total carbohydrate, or the equivalent of four slices of bread, 20-30g of fat and at least four teaspoons of sugar, it is safe to say that there is nothing healthy about these café options.
Extruded cheese snacks
Puffs, rings or balls made using refined carbs, added MSG and lots of oil will never be a good choice, especially for children who need snacks that are as plain and minimally processed as possible.
Frozen yoghurt
It may sound healthy but sweet yoghurts can have as much sugar as ice-cream and just as many calories, especially when extra syrups, nuts and treats are added.

Frozen Yogurt has a high sugar content. Picture: Thinkstock Source: Supplied
Chocolate nut spread
With the first few ingredients listed as sugar and vegetable oil, chocolate spread contains a lot more bad fat than it does good fat from nuts.
Muesli Bars
There is a big difference between natural unprocessed muesli and the processed mix of honey, sugar, dried fruit, fillers, gums and coatings that are found in most commercially available muesli bars - which also combine to give 3-4 teaspoons of sugar per bar.