It matters not much, methinks.
Geoff Seidner

Alliance against Racial Discrimination stands up against Murdoch press
Tuesday, 10 December 2013 03:41
353 hits
Letter to the Australian
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2013 11:40 AM
To: ''
Subject: True story, false headline
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2013 11:40 AM
To: ''
Subject: True story, false headline
We refer to your story ”Attorney-General George Brandis wins approval for changes to Racial Discrimination Act” (9 December 2013). Neither the headline nor the opening paragraph is correct. We did not give any approval to changes to the Racial Discrimination Act. On the contrary, we continually stressed our view that the case has not been made for the Act to be amended.
The courts have consistently interpreted Part IIA of the Act in a way that prohibits racially vilifying conduct only if it is profound or serious in nature. We remain of the view that sections 18C and 18D of the Act, taken together, carefully and appropriately balance the need to provide protections against racial vilification with the need to protect freedom of expression.
The Attorney General put to us several general ideas, but no specific legislative proposals, for amending section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act and section 80.2A of the Criminal Code. He asked us to think about these ideas. We agreed to consult with our communities and meet with him again early next year.
We commend the government for engaging in a serious consultation with us, which we have been seeking for some time. All of us, including the Attorney General, acknowledged that it might not be possible for us to reach an agreement, but any draft legislation that the government might put to the Parliament next year can only benefit from the consultations.
Kirstie Parker and Les Malezer, Co-chairs, National Congress of Australia's First Peoples; George Vellis, Co-ordinator, Australian Hellenic Council; George Vardas, Secretary, Australian Hellenic Council; Randa Kattan, CEO, Arab Council Australia; Tony Pang, Secretary, Chinese Australian Services Society; Patrick Voon, President, Chinese Australian Forum; Peter Wertheim, Executive Director, Executive Council of Australian Jewry.
Kirstie Parker and Les Malezer, Co-chairs, National Congress of Australia's First Peoples; George Vellis, Co-ordinator, Australian Hellenic Council; George Vardas, Secretary, Australian Hellenic Council; Randa Kattan, CEO, Arab Council Australia; Tony Pang, Secretary, Chinese Australian Services Society; Patrick Voon, President, Chinese Australian Forum; Peter Wertheim, Executive Director, Executive Council of Australian Jewry.
- The original story published by The Australian containing the false claims can be viewed here